The land that we as the Tita Collective have settled on, which is colonially known as Toronto, is the territory of the Haudenosonee, the Wendat, and Petun First Nations, and the Anishinaabe, including the Mississaugas of the Credit,  and is home of Indigenous Metis and Inuit peoples from across Turtle Island. This land has been home to many nations, named and unnamed since time immemorial. We acknowledge their role as stewards and protectors of this land, past, present and future.

As immigrants and members of the Filipin* diaspora, we stand in solidarity with Black and Indigenous communities, in their fight for justice. To deepen our commitment to accomplice-ship, we have been turning to resources for education and support and in taking action.

In the spirit of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum, we recognize that stewardship is a shared responsibility of all those who reside on this territory. To turn your acknowledgement into action, we urge you to take action by educating yourself on anti-racism, Indigenous sovereignty; signing petitions, calling and/or emailing officials to add to the countless voices asking for justice. Share your learnings and talk with your loved ones about the movement. If you have the resources, donate. If you see racism, do not be a bystander. Use your voice to stand against it, to take action and show your support.

We encourage you to read the Final Reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, which can be found here.

Accomplice-ship is a lifelong practice, an important commitment to empathy and community care.

Please remember that Black & Indigenous folks have already done an enormous amount of work educating us. It is our responsibility as aspiring allies and accomplices to take the time to listen, to learn, and take action.

Do the work. Break the cycles of oppression. Do not remain silent. Do not remain complicit. Use your anger, your rage, your grief, to take action now.

#LandBack #BlackLivesMatter